Huawei P20 Pro How to deactivate step counter - Solved

The step counter in the status bar of your Huawei P20 Pro shows you at a glance how many steps you have already taken in one day and how many calories you have used.

This information is controlled by the health and fitness app "Health", which is pre-installed on your smartphone at the factory.

However, you may not want to use the pedometer at all. If this is the case, we would like to show you in this article how to deactivate it.

If you should always see this in the status bar, then these instructions will of course help you to activate it:

Activating or deactivating the pedometer in the status bar of the Huawei P20 Pro

Huawei P20 Pro

1. To do this, open the "Health" app on your Huawei P20 Pro

2. Then navigate to "User" on the lower right

3. Then select "Settings" by tapping on the gear symbol

4. Then you can call up "Notification management" in the next submenu.

5. Now move the switch for the option "Push-notification for step counter" to either activate or deactivate it.

Depending on how you have decided, the step counter including calorie consumption and daily target will now be displayed or hidden in the status bar of your Huawei P20 Pro.

Now you know where to find the pedometer setting within the Android system on your Huawei P20 Pro.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.