Logitech How to Deactivate Download Assistant - Solved

If the Logitech Download Assistant is active on your Windows computer, this is because the driver was automatically installed and updated by your PC. This is most likely due to an automatic driver update.

The Logitech Download Assistant should help you to always have the latest driver installed. You might not want this and therefore the Logitech Download Assistant should be deactivated.

How this works is explained in the following instructions: Remove Logitech Download Assistant in Windows Step

Step 1: Change the configuration of your Windows driver updates.

To disable automatic driver installation in Windows 10, open the Control Panel. Navigate further to "System" and then left to "Advanced System Settings".

Open the "Hardware" tab and continue with "Device installation settings". Then you can switch off the automatic driver update.

Step 2: Deactivate or remove Logitech Download Assistant

1. Go to "Start" at the bottom left and then right-click "Computer"

2. Navigate to "Manage" and from there to the Device Manager.

3. Find the Logitech entry under HID (Human Interface devices).

4. Open the context menu with the right mouse button and go to "Properties".

5. Switch to the "Driver" tab and select "Uninstall". A check mark should appear on the following screen asking you if you also want to delete the drive files.

6. Select this option. This will prevent Windows from reinstalling this software in combination with Step 1.

7. Then right-click your computer name at the top of all devices in the Device Manager and select "Check for hardware changes".

Windows will now install the default driver for Windows. Hopefully you have successfully removed the Logitech Download Assistant.

Keep in mind that this procedure may have to be performed for different Logitech drivers.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.