Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Change device name for Bluetooth - Tip

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has been given a factory name that corresponds to the model number. This is displayed whenever you connect your smartphone via Bluetooth or WiFi Direct, for example.

Usually you will see the device name most often when connecting to a Bluetooth handsfree in a car or a Bluetooth speaker, as well as a voice assistant.

If you want to change the device name of your Note 9 to, for example, your first name, this works within the Android settings as follows:

Change Samsung Galaxy Note 9 device name - step-by-step instructions

1. Open the app menu from the start screen

2. Now select the "Telephone info" menu item at the end of the menu.

3. Tap on "Device name" and you can assign a new name afterwards.

4. click "Ok" to confirm the new name for your Samsung Galaxy Note 9

If you now share the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 via WiFi Direct or connect it to a speakerphone via Bluetooth, the device will be displayed with the name you gave it.

This allows you to see immediately which device you want to connect to your Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.