Samsung Galaxy S7 Change Screenshot Directory - Tip

If you take a screenshot with the Samsung Galaxy S7, for example by using a key combination, the Android operating system will automatically save this screenshot in a folder called "Screenshots" on the internal memory of the device.

This will of course take up the internal memory of the Galaxy S7 over time, so you'll probably want to find a way to have the screenshots saved somewhere else immediately.

For example, you could change the location for newly created screenshots to the external MicroSD memory card, or change the folder for screenshots in general.

Changing the Screenshot Location - Is this even possible?

Samsung Galaxy S7

Unfortunately this is not possible with Android in the standard function. For this reason we have written a step-by-step guide for you, how you can still save screenshots automatically in another location, such as the MicroSD.

This works as follows:

Change location or directory for screenshots

You need the following third-party app from the Google Play Store:

  • Auto Transfer Lite

If you downloaded the application please navigate as follows:

Step 1. Start the app "Auto Transfer Lite" on your S7

Step 2. Select the plus symbol in the upper right corner to create a new "Auto-Transfer" process

Step 3. Specify a name for the process e.g. "Screenshot-Transfer"

Step 4. Type "Source Folder" and select the screenshot folder of the Samsung Galaxy S7:

  • Internal Memory/DCIM/Screenshots

Important! Tap on the three dot symbol in the upper right corner and select "Show internal memory"!

Step 5: In "Target Folder", select the folder where the screenshots will be saved in the future. For example a folder on the MicroSD memory card.

Step 6: Switch the "Scan Media file after moved" slider to "active"

Step 7: At the end tap on the floppy disk icon to save and activate the auto transfer process

If you now create a screenshot with your Samsung Galaxy S7, it will automatically be copied into the new screenshot folder by the app "Auto Transfer Lite". With this little workaround you have successfully changed the location for screenshots on the Samsung Galaxy S7.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.