Samsung Galaxy S8 Clean charging socket - Instructions

If you carry the Samsung Galaxy S8 in the pocket of your trousers or in a handbag, the USB Type C charging connector of your smartphone may be dirty and the plug of the charging cable may not be able to make contact.

Often it is just dust or fabric fuzz that accumulates in the charging socket over time.

So please check if this also applies to your Samsung Galaxy S8. If yes, remove the dust carefully with one of the following options:

Samsung Galaxy S8

Variant 1: Toothpick

Use a wooden toothpick to clean the smartphone's USB Type C port. We do not recommend using a metallic object such as an office needle, as this can damage the charging socket or connection.

This also jeopardizes the IP protection capability of the smartphone.

Variant 2: blowing, compressed air or vacuum cleaner

Blowing or compressed air, for example with a compressed air spray, can also help. Use this carefully to avoid causing damage! Alternatively, use a vacuum cleaner and try to remove the dust with it.

Variant 3: Soak in water

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is IP68 protected against water ingress. Place the smartphone in a low water basin and leave it there for about 30 seconds.

Note: If the device is older than 2 years, we advise against this method! This is because the seals may already be porous and thus permeable to water from this point on.

Then dry the device with a microfibre cloth, for example, and then use the vacuum cleaner or compressed air spray again.

Now you know three methods how to clean the charging socket of the Samsung Galaxy S8 from dust and dirt.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.