Samsung Galaxy S8 Using Home screen in Landscape Mode - Horizontal

The Samsung Galaxy S8 Home screen can also be used in landscape mode. This means that the home screen is displayed in landscape mode.

So if you hold your phone horizontally, content will be displayed horizontally on the home screen.

This option was not available until now, but was integrated with one of the latest firmware updates on the smartphone. The landscape mode of the Home screen will then look like this:

To be able to display the start screen in landscape mode, you must change the following option in the settings of the Android system or the Samsung Experience interface:

Switch off portrait mode only - Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8

1. Press and hold a free space on the start screen

2. The start screen will now shrink and a menu will open at the bottom of the screen- Select here: Home Page Settings

3. Scroll down the menu to "Portrait Mode Only"

4. Deactivate the option by setting the slider to "Off" - this will activate the Home Screen Landscape Mode

You can now display content in landscape format on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S8.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.