Samsung Galaxy S9 music player stops suddenly - Tip

If you listen to music on the Samsung Galaxy S9 via the integrated music player, then it may be that the music stops suddenly from now on.

That's annoying, of course, because you have to restart the music every time and get your smartphone out of your pocket. The reason for this is the hardware, but mostly the software.

Therefore, try the following tips if the music player of your Samsung Galaxy S9 suddenly stops.

Check Samsung Galaxy S9 hardware

Samsung Galaxy S9 Hardware

Tip 1: Loose contact on 3.5mm headphone jack

Check for mechanical damage

Tip 2: Headphone jack is very dusty or dirty

Clean it carefully, for example with a toothpick. Be careful! Do not damage.

Samsung Galaxy S9 Software Tips:

Tip 1: Restart your phone

Tip 2: Empty the music player's cache.

Open the settings and then the menu item "Apps". Then search the list of apps for the "Music" app. Touch it to display the app information.

Now go to "Memory" and then to "Clear Cache" or "Delete Data". Attention! If you select "Delete data", any playlists etc. that have been created will be deleted.

Tip 3: Alternative MP3 Player

Try an alternative music player and check whether the error described above also occurs with your Samsung Galaxy S9. For example, one of the following from the Google Paly Store.

We hope that your Samsung Galaxy S9 does not have a serious hardware error, but only the software is responsible for the music dropouts.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.