Adding and deleting OnePlus Widgets - How it works

The OnePlus smartphone runs with Android and Oxygen interface. This also allows you to place so-called widgets on the home screen of the device. Widgets contain information or functions that are provided via an app.


A classic example is the weather app. It shows you the current weather for your location. If you now want to add a widget to the OnePlus smartphone's start screen, we have the right instructions for you here:

Place widgets on the OnePlus smartphone home screen

1. return to the home screen of your smartphone

On the Home screen, press and hold a blank space, then select Widgets from the menu.

3. now search for a suitable widget in the list of apps and press on it until it stands out and can be placed.

4. drag the widget to the home screen and drop it in a place where you would like to place it.

Do the same for any widgets you want to add to the home screen of your OnePlus smartphone.

Delete widgets from the OnePlus smartphone home screen

At some point, you have several widgets distributed on the individual home screen pages. You might want to remove them now. We would like to show you the necessary steps to remove a widget here:

Press and hold a widget with your finger. You can now either drag it towards an X or trash can and remove it, or a small pop-up appears where you can now select "Remove".

Now you know how to add and remove widgets from the home screen on the OnePlus smartphone.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.