Check Samsung Galaxy S20, S10, S9 heart rate monitor for function

 The Samsung Galaxy S20, S10, S9 has a heart rate monitor that can measure your pulse. The sensor is located on the back of the Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9 and can be used via the Samsung Health app.


Here it may happen that the Samsung Health application does not detect a pulse and suggests that the finger should be positioned better on the sensor. If this happens more often, you can now ask yourself whether the heart rate sensor of the Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9 is working correctly or whether there is a defect.

We want to show you a tip how you can answer this question yourself.

To test if the heart rate monitor of your Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9 works correctly, you have to open the service menu of your Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9. Please proceed as follows:

Test heart rate monitor via service menu

1. opens the phone app from the home screen and then switches to the keypad within it.

2. Enter the following code using the numeric keypad:

  • *#0*#

3. a white menu with different tiles appears.

4. now tap the tile with "Sensor".

5. scroll down in the next menu until you can read "HRM Sensor".

6. tap the small button with "Start" underneath. As with an ECG you will now see a graph showing your pulse.

7. if you put your finger on the sensor now, you can see what data is being collected. At the top of "HR" your current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute.

If no values are displayed here, there is an error in the heart rate sensor of your Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9.

In this case we recommend you to contact the Samsung support.

You now know how to test on the Samsung Galaxy S20, S10 or S9 whether the heart rate monitor works properly.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.