Huawei P40 See if an SMS was delivered - Tip

 On the Huawei P40 there is the possibility to request a so-called delivery report for sent SMS messages. This report tells the sender whether the SMS was received by the recipient on the device.


This is a useful feature to ensure that an SMS message has been successfully transmitted. However, it is no guarantee that the SMS message has been read.

If you now want to see whether an SMS message sent with your Huawei P40 has been received by the recipient, you can activate the delivery report as follows

Activate SMS receipt confirmation on the Huawei P40

1. open the SMS Messages app.

2. in the chat overview, navigate to the three-point symbol in the upper right corner.

3. Now select "Settings".

4. navigate to "Advanced" and then activate the following option:

  • Receive SMS delivery reports

If you now send an SMS with the Huawei P40, you will receive an info about whether the SMS was received. This looks like this if the SMS was delivered successfully:

You now know the function and configuration of the SMS delivery report on the Huawei P40.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.