The SAR value is the amount of radiation that the body absorbs, i.e. the radiation that is absorbed by the body. SAR stands for "Specific Absorption Rate" and is measured in the unit watt/kilogram. The higher the value, the more harmful to human tissue.
The limit value set by the European Union is 2W/kg, which should not be exceeded, as otherwise the radiation could have negative effects. However, long-term studies on this topic are rare.
If you would now like to know the SAR value of the OnePlus North, then we have the answer for you here:
SAR value of OnePlus North
- SAR value head: 0.9 W/Kg
- SAR value body: 1.27 W/Kg
The OnePlus North is thus below the limit, but is not in the range of "low-radiation" smartphones.
Unfortunately, this value is still given very little attention by the manufacturers, although there are many users who include this value in their purchase decision.
You now know the SAR value of the OnePlus North and can decide whether it is too high or too low.