If you are using a Samsung smartphone, you may find that the display and the fingerprint scanner in your pocket are activated and you will lose a lot of battery power very quickly.
The reason for this is quickly explained. In the Android settings there is a special option called "Tap twice to activate".
This function is useful if it is combined with an automatic lock after 1-2 minutes with simultaneous switching off the display after a few seconds of inactivity.
But if you now do not actively lock the screen by pressing the power button, it can happen that the smartphone is reactivated in your trouser pocket. Then the display is switched on and the fingerprint scanner may be active.
Below we explain how to disable the function above. In addition, we give you a tip which should be used additionally:
"Tap twice to activate" - To deactivate the function
1. Open the settings of the Android system
2. Go to "Advanced features".
3. From here navigate to "Movements and Gestures".
4. Here you will find the option "Tap twice to activate". Deactivate it.
You should now have no more problems with the smartphone automatically activating itself in your pocket.
We also recommend that you activate the following function in the Android settings:
Enable protection against accidental touch - Pocket mode
1. Open the settings on your Samsung smartphone
2. Go to "Display".
3. Scroll down to "Protection against accidental touch".
4. Enable the option by setting the switch to active.
This should stop your smartphone from activating in your pocket and the display or fingerprint scanner from consuming power.