Samsung Galaxy A90, A70, A50, A30 Suppressing your own phone number - Instructions

Sometimes it is useful to suppress your own phone number when calling with a Samsung Galaxy A series smartphone such as the A90, A70, A50, A30, A20 or A10. This means that the called party's screen will simply show "Private" or "Unknown" instead of the phone number.


This practical function should be activated especially if phone numbers are called from classified ads, advertisements, hotlines etc. But how can you suppress your own phone number on the Samsung Galaxy A series, so that it is not displayed to the contact?

We would like to explain this to you here:

Suppressing your own phone number on a Samsung Galaxy A series smartphone - Here's how it works

1. Open the phone app on your Samsung Galaxy A Series smartphone

2. Navigate to the three-point icon in the upper right corner and then to "Settings".

3. Select "Additional Services" and then "Show Caller ID".

4. In this submenu you can now select one of the following options:

  • Network default
  • Hide number
  • Show number

5. Select "Hide number" here.

From now on, your number will no longer be transmitted automatically with every call. This means that the called party can no longer see your number on their display when you call them.

Please keep in mind that it can happen that calls from you are automatically rejected. The reason for this is that some users automatically block calls with suppressed phone numbers.

You now know the procedure how to suppress your own phone number on the Samsung Galaxy A series.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.