Samsung Galaxy S20 alarm clock snooze - Snooze

The Samsung Galaxy S20 has an alarm clock app installed ex works. This alarm clock is integrated in the "Clock App" and can be easily set up using it. In addition to the settings for the alarm time and the alarm sound, a snooze function can also be activated.


"Snooze" means "to snooze" and you can use it to move the alarm time back. Be it 5 minutes or even longer. After the snooze function time has expired, the alarm sounds again.

So you are reliably woken up despite a little longer hitting. In this article we explain how you can easily activate the snooze function for the alarm clock on the Samsung Galaxy S20.

Set snooze function for alarm clock - Instructions

1.            Open the clock app.

2.            Switch to "Alarm" at the bottom.

3.            Create a new alarm or select an existing one.

4.            Select "Remember" and activate the slider.

You can then set an interval and the repetition rate of the snooze function.

Now you know the snooze function of the alarm clock app on the Samsung Galaxy S20 and how to activate or configure it correctly.For example, the snooze function can be activated on the Samsung Galaxy S20 so that you can quickly extend the alarm by a defined period of time after the first alarm.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.