Samsung Galaxy S20 fast charging does not work - solved

If the quick-charging function does not work on your Samsung Galaxy S20, this may have various causes.

On the one hand, the automatic charger can refuse to fast charge because the temperature of the Samsung Galaxy S20 is too high, but on the other hand, the cause can also be an incorrect setting of the Android system.


We'll show you how to set the correct setting for fast loading on the Samsung Galaxy S20.

Fast charging via cable does not work

To do this, navigate from the Home screen to :

  • App menu --> Settings --> Device maintenance.
  • Select "Recharge".
  • Activate "Quick Load

If you have activated the settings and are now connecting the Samsung Galaxy S20 to the charger, the battery should be charged using the automatic quick charger.

Inductive fast charging does not work

Navigate also here to the following submenu:

  • App menu --> Settings --> Device maintenance --> Charging

Activate "Fast inductive loading" here by setting the slider to "active".

You now know which settings to check on the Samsung Galaxy S20 if your smartphone battery is not charging quickly.

Fast charging still not working?

Especially when it's hot outside, the smartphone automatically deactivates the quick charge function. Try to charge the phone in a cooler place. The quick charge should then work without any problems.

We hope that it worked with the above settings, so that your Samsung Galaxy S20 can be quickly loaded again.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.