Samsung Galaxy S20 Sudden restarts without reason - Tips

 The Samsung Galaxy S20 can sometimes behave strangely. These include sudden restarts that occur sporadically and without reason.


If you are affected by such restarts, you will want to know now if there are possibilities to fix this.

Exactly here we would like to support you with different tips and workarounds, which hopefully have the effect to stop the random restarts.

Ending baseless restarts - How it works

Since there is no royal road, we have listed different solutions for you here:

1. disable/check daily restarts in Android settings

There is an option in the Android settings of the Samsung Galaxy S20 which automatically reboots the smartphone daily. Please check if this option is active and if so, disable it as follows:

1.            Open the settings of Android.

2.            Navigate to "Device Maintenance".

3.            Select the three-point symbol in the upper right corner and choose "Advanced" from the context menu.

4.            Use the slider to deactivate the "Automatic restart" function.

If this did not produce the desired effect, use our next tip:

2. Execute Wipe Cache Partition

If this doesn't help, please create a wipe cache partition, as this solves common software problems in the Android system by clearing the cache partition.

  • More information about the Wipe Cache Partition

And so it can be run on the Samsung Galaxy S20:

  • Manual: Wipe Cache Partition for the S20 Series

If the first two variants did not help, check if your battery is working properly. This is done as follows:

3. Check battery - test

Sudden reboots may indicate a hardware defect in the battery. To perform a small test, please use the following app:

1.            Download "Ampere" from the Google Play Store.

2.            Open the app and you will see "battery status" there

3.            If you see the status "Good", your battery is working properly.

If you see a different value here, then you should make use of your smartphone's warranty, as it is likely that there is a hardware defect in the device.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.