Show Samsung Galaxy A51 battery in percent

Every smartphone user wants to know when it is time to hang up the smartphone on the charger again. This way it can be avoided that you are suddenly on the road without a battery and the phone breaks down.


The battery symbol in the status bar is only conditionally suitable for this purpose and therefore it makes sense to additionally display the battery display in percent. If you want to show this in the status bar for the Samsung Galaxy A51, please use the following steps:

Displaying the percentage of the battery - Samsung Galaxy A51

1. Open the Android system settings.

2. go to "Notifications

3. open "Status Bar" and the last option you see now is "Show battery charge in %".

4. activate the slider there to display the battery charge in percent.

Right next to the battery symbol you will now see the battery display in percent on the Samsung Galaxy A51. This shows you what percentage of the battery is still charged. For example, if the display shows 60%, then you know that 40% of the battery has already been used up.

In the following video, we have again described in detail how you can display the battery charge percentage on the Samsung Galaxy A51.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.