Video calls in WhatsApp are constantly being optimized. For example, WhatsApp has raised the limit of participants to 8. Nevertheless, some Android and iPhone users may experience problems with video calls on WhatsApp.
In the following we would like to suggest various reasons and the appropriate solutions. We hope that one of these solutions will also solve your problem.
Problems with the Internet and their solution
The most common reason a WhatsApp video call fails is due to network connection errors. Whether it's Wi-Fi or the mobile data, if a connection cannot be established, then no call can be made.
To fix Internet problems, first check your network connection with your browser. See if other websites can be loaded or not. If not, switch to mobile data or W-Lan and test again. A restart of your smartphone usually helps here as well.
Problem with WhatsApp database and its solution
Sometimes application files are corrupted, causing problems and errors in the WhatsApp application.
This problem occurs if your device has very little memory left or if you are using an old device.
If your application data is damaged, you should have it rebuilt. Unfortunately this is only possible on Android smartphones.
- Go to Settings --> Applications/ Apps --> WhatsApp --> Storage
Delete the cache there. You can also delete "data", but it is important that you have previously created a backup of your WhatsApp chats, for example via OneDrive.
Problems with WhatsApp Servers
WhatsApp servers may be overloaded and the video call application may fail. This problem occurs rarely and sporadically. Unfortunately, it is quite possible.
The only option you have here is to wait until the servers have full capacity again.
Outdated App version
If you are using an old version of WhatsApp and the person you are calling is using the latest version, your video call may not be connected.
If this problem occurs, download the latest version of WhatsApp from the Android Google Play Store or iOS App Store. Also, advise your video call partner to update to the latest version.
Old version of Android or iOS
Android and iOS are constantly updated. Especially old Android and iOS versions may result in not all WhatsApp features being available.
To solve this problem you need to check your Android or iOS version. Go to:
- Settings --> Over the phone
Check the Android or iOS version of your smartphone
We hope that this guide will help you quickly resolve the problem of video calls not working in WhatsApp.