Where are the Spotify songs stored? Smartphone

 If you use the music streaming provider Spotify on your smartphone, the premium version will allow you to download songs and entire playlists offline. Depending on how much space you have on your internal memory or memory card, you might want to know where the music files are stored by Spotify.


Here we would like to show you the file path where Spotify stores music files. Here it is important to know that the files are not in MP3 format, but in a special encrypted format.

Let us now come to the question:

Where does Spotify store music files on the smartphone?

To do this, open a file explorer on your smartphone with Anroid operating system. With Samsung this is for example "My Documents". Navigate here now into the following directory:

Storage location Internal memory for Spotify music

  • Internal Memory/ Android / Data / com.spotify.music

Storage location memory card for Spotify music

Here you can now find the downloaded Spotify music, which is available offline for you.

Now you know where Offline Msuik is stored on your smartphone by the App Spotify, no matter if internal memory or MicroSD memory card.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.